Award received
SYNEX TECH GmbH wins the ACR Innovation Award
With the invention of the world's first drill extinguishing device DRILL-X, SYNEX TECH GmbH from Bad Goisern succeeded in winning the coveted ACR Innovation Award. DRILL-X is the world's first combined drill extinguishing device. It enables fire departments to extinguish fires that are difficult to access within seconds, without having to enter the source of the fire. This revolution in extinguishing technology was awarded the Innovation Prize of the research network ACR - Austrian Cooperative Research. The Innovation Award was presented by Federal Minister Martin Kocher, WKO Vice President Amelie Groß and ACR President Iris Filzwieser to SYNEX TECH GmbH and to IBS - Insitut für Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung Ges.m.b.H .on October 19, 2022.
More about DRILL-X at